Wolf Germany
Workshop equipment ®
Your Tire Maintenance and Car Lift Equipment Specialist
Wolf-Germany Werkstattausrüstung® Gute Qualität muss nicht immer teuer sein.
Wolf-Germany Werkstattausrüstung® Gute Qualität muss nicht immer teuer sein.
Wolf-Germany Werkstattausrüstung ® GmbH
Otto-Hahn-Strasse. 2
84556 Kastl
Telephone: 08671/9580190
Fax: 08671/9580191
Email: info@wolf-germany.com
Managing Director: Christian Wolf
Register court: Traunstein
Commercial register number: HRB26814
Sales tax identification number: DE 815762399
Tax number: 141/142/60321 tax office Mühldorf
Place of jurisdiction: Altötting District Court
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This legal notice was created by www.gepruefter-webshop.de and is regularly checked for legal certainty. In the event of a warning, Geprüfter Webshop assumes full liability for the legal texts created.
Sources for the images and graphics used:
All texts and images published on this page are protected by copyright. Copying and using the images of any kind requires the prior express consent of the owner of the website www.Wolf-Germany.com
Image sources:
© Bilan 3D - fotolia.com
© abcmedia - fotolia.com
© Kurhan - fotolia.com
© Syda Productions - fotolia.com
Unless otherwise noted, all trademarks on the www.Wolf-Germany.com website are protected by trademark law. This applies in particular to Wolf-Germany Werkstattausrüstung ® brands, brand logos, company logos and other emblems. The brands and design elements used on this website are the intellectual property of Wolf-Germany Werkstattausrüstung® GmbH Germany.
Wolf-Germany Werkstattausrüstung ® is a registered trademark in the EU
No: 014332795
Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM, OHIM, based in Alicante / Spain) registered trademark
Quality management ISO9001: 2008 certified company.
Certificate No: 37020060Q116
Certification body: AVU Registrations, inc 5279 North Isabella Road, Rosebush, Michigan 48878
Office & distribution warehouse
Wolf-Germany Werkstattausrüstung® GmbH
Otto-Hahn-Strasse. 2
84556 Kastl